Where have all the Cowboys Gone??

Good news...
& Bad news.

Bad first:
I was taking a shower & told Matt to finish his dessert & go to bed for naptime. 
After my shower, I came out into the living room & the front door was open!!!
THAT's the bad news... someone rang the doorbell, and my 4 year old answered it!!!!!
... while I was in the shower!!!

Teaching Moment.

The Good news:
This is what was sitting in front of the opened door:

Ahhh... the long awaited boxes!!  :)

This one was for Matt..

"Really?? It's MINE??  All for MEEEE??"

"Oh Boy Oh Boyyyy!!"

"Almost Got It Mom!!!"

"A Towboy Mooie!! Thanks Mom!!"
"Why does it look like that??"
You see, Son, a looooong time ago,
movies were in black-n-white.
Just watch it. :)
The next thing I know...
A REAL cowboy Super-Hero can only be taught
to be one if his Daddy is his
true Super-Hero!
And our Daddy is!! :)


  1. the whole answering the door thing has happened at our house too.:(



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