Happy Birthday Em, Goodbye PopPops!

Our Sweet Emma is 3 today! :)

Birthday Girl & Bubba Matt

As usual, Goofy Bubba Jake has everyone laughing!
Em calls Bubba Jake "Goober"...
and giggles every time!

Bubba Cory, Ashton, Kayla :)

Memaw & her Ashton Buddy

We had a great idea for weaning from pop-pops. (Pacifiers)
We are sending them to another little baby girl who needs them...
...by way of pink balloons. :)

Daddy ties them on,

it's a very important ceremony...
and the whole family is here to cheer her on!

The big moment...
Daddy explains again that she has to let them go...
another sweet little girl is waiting for them.
She's thinking about it...

...but changed her mind.

She needs a little more encouragement, so
Daddy has another talk with her.

Then all of a sudden...
Up, Up, & Awaaaaay!!
She did it!
Bye Bye pop-pops!!
What a big girl!!

Later that night, and at night-night time...


We'll see how tonight goes!

Happy Birthday Sweet Emaline Grace,
Mommy loves you so much.
God's precious gift... my only daughter...
He has such great plans for you!

My Love, My Life! :)
February 16, 2012


  1. What a sweetheart! I hope she had a wonderful Birthday and soon forgets her "Pop pops".


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