Weary Daze

1:00am... "Mommy, can I have a drink?"
I jump up out of bed startled.  Eyes open wide, heart pounding.

Get the drink, kiss the kid, back to bed.

Hmmmm... I forgot to add shampoo to my shopping list for tomorrow.
Oh yeah, need to make appointment for check-ups.
...And the dentist.  I can take coloring books and readers for the wait.  Remember what happened last time...

Hmmm.  Readers.  Wonder what we'll use for math next semester?
Speaking of math, I need a haircut.  Gotta remember to make the appointment.
I wonder about the lady the hairdresser said was leaving her husband?  Her poor kids.  Lord, please help them.

Kids and divorce.  Abused kids.  There is probably a sweet little one being abused at this very moment.  Oh Lord, please help them.

Ok, I'll just pray myself to sleep.  What better way to fall asleep than with the Lord?? :)

3:00am...  Still awake.
Maybe if I read I'll fall asleep.

4:00am... Eyes heavy...

4:15am....I can still get 2 hours...

4:30am... Sleep.

5:30am..."Mommy, hold me!"

YIKES!!  Startled out of dream!  Eyes wide open, heart pounding!


Oh well.  Newspaper should be here by the time the coffee's done.

Tired... like, to the bone marrow exhausted.
I am a robot.

7:00am..."Can I watch cartoons?"
~No, we have to eat breakfast and start school work.
"I'm not hungry, can I play?"
~If you're not hungry, you can go ahead and start your school work.
"Ok, I'm hungry."

*I begin breakfast*

"I don't want that, I want cereal!"

*Returns food to fridge, pulls out cereal*
"Not THAT kind, the other one!"

*Gets the "other one"*
"Can I have the dinosaur bowl instead of THAT one?"

"May I have kool-aid with my cereal?"
*Uh, NO, here's your juice*

"But I don't want the Batman cup.  I want the Spiderman cup."
"Why do I have to use THIS spoon, why can't I have a fork?"
"Oops!  He made me spill my juice!!"

Toddler food flies across the kitchen, from the high-chair.
*Don't throw your food*
"I don't like it!"  (Giggles from all)

Cleanup and School time.

"Can I do my school work later?  Pleeeeeease??  I want to play bad guys."
*No, it's time for school, get your stuff ready*

"Grrrrr!  I hate school work!"
After about 15 minutes of squirming, whining, complaining... he writes his name on his paper.

"OOOOPS, pencil (lead) broke!"  (Giggles)
I give him another.
"OOOOPS, broke again!"

"I need your help!"
"I'm tired, my tummy hurts."
"I need to go to the bathroom."
"Will you wipe my bottom?"
"Baby needs diaper change! Shooie Shooie!! Hurry Hurry!!
"Can I just do school work later?"
"Why can't I play? I hate school work!"

Two hours later, the three workbook pages are FINALLY done.
Nerves are frayed, head is pounding.

*I really need to work on memorization with them, if I were a good Mom, it would be more enjoyable for him.  If I were a good Mom, we would have a history timeline, and.. and... crafts and arts, and music, and... etc.  If only I had time for my Bible Study, I KNOW it would help.  Lord, please speak.*

Lunchtime:  REPEAT of breakfast.

Afternoon... exhausted.  Time to fix supper.  I'm so tired.  There are noses to clean, boo-boo's to kiss, a house to clean, laundry to fold, groceries and errands to run! 

It's been four weeks.  They won't stop coughing.  Doctor's office works us in... hour an a half in waiting room, overflow of sick kids, rude secretaries, sweaty doctor.


When will Hubby be home?  Can't wait to hear about his day... all the people he talked to and places he got to visit.. :) I wonder where he ate lunch today?  (Tummy rumbles)... did I eat today?  Mmmm, the guacamole place sounds so good... maybe we'll eat out tonight.  Yes.  We'll eat out tonight, and I'll come home to a hot bath, off to bed early for a good night's rest.  Ahhhh, Heavenly!


Hour and a half of cooking...
5:30pm... Honey, I'm home!  What's for supper?  Hey kiddos!!  What did ya'll do today?

"Do I HAVE to eat THAT??  I don't like it, can I just have cereal?"
*I spent 2 hours making this bread that you like, don't you want any?*
"Only if you get the ketchup."

Ketchup.  On homemade bread.  Grrrrr.

Give them their baths, brush the teeth... comb the hair, read a story and say prayers.

... And Honey, (Wink Wink ;)


Not tonight.  ...Again.


Not to mention... the prodigal...
And his brother. 
Lord, please help them.. draw them... call them, guide and keep them.

Lord, please help me to do it all over again in a few short hours, and better this time. 



  1. Oh wow...I just went back in time 20 years. It was so fresh!!!!! Quiet time??? I used to lock myself in the bathroom and sit on the floor for not a long enough time. God bless you sweet friend....and remember it is NOT FOR FOREVER.(hahah just feels like it at the time)(Mary Moon)


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