Christmas Snowglobe Craft

Christmas Snowglobe Craft

by Emma

We made this craft in VBS last summer. 
I really enjoyed it so I want to share with my friends.

Items needed for this craft:

Clear cup & lid
Pine cone 
Thin rope or twine
 1/4 c. imitation craft snow (or sea salt) 
Regular white glue
Hot glue gun and glue


  Hot glue the pine cone to the lid.  
Put regular glue on the tips of the pine cone, spread it out, sprinkle snow on the glue.   
Pour the rest of the snow in the cup. 
Hot glue the lid to the cup, and the rope around bottom.
Turn upside down and let dry.

You may paste a Bible Verse on top, the Verse I chose is:

Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow...
Isaiah 1:18 


  1. Emma, I am so proud of you! You will learn such great writing & typing skills by practicing on this blog. I want to see much more! Love, Mom


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