From Blog: Just a Homeschooling Mom

Labels: Ask A Homeschooling Mom

There is an unspoken softness found in a homeschooling mom that is nestled on the beam between her desire to fight for her children and the nagging fear that she will fail. She knows that what she does matters and that the outcome lay square on her shoulders.

There is no teacher to blame or system to fight. She raises her children. She educates her children. She does it. That is where the buck will stop.

When I meet a homeschooling mom, THAT handshake transcends usual boundaries found in acquaintances. I am immediately relaxed because I know she is not about to pretend that she is put together. I know her home sometimes looks like something exploded and I know she has days when she thinks she will lose her sanity.

When I meet a homeschooling mom, I know there will be no jockeying for position, comparing grades or sporting trophies. No amount of make-up, Guchi bags or painted nails will pigeon hole the elite into one group or working class in another. Whether she drives a car that stalls or new Suburban, she will, at times, cry at the Coffee Shop while sharing a bit of her pain.

She will lift her sisters up in prayer, smile through tears, sway with the gale force winds and hold steadfast, rooted in her commitment. She may laugh loudly and openly or dare not speak for fear of sobbing. She is an ordinary woman; tired and triumphant.

She is trying; but only human. With all of her frailness and insecurities, she walks the path with purpose, often stepping upon the thistle; Her children held firmly in her view as she advances. Their character, their purpose, their souls, held tight in her grip.

She possesses no degree. She holds only love overflowing and her will to carry the load. She is not so very special and at times wonders if love is enough; if her strength is enough. The answer is yes. Yes, she is more than enough.

at 9:22 PM

Labels: Ask A Homeschooling Mom
