Single-Income Home School Family

How do families today, make it on one income?

Very frugally.  We compromise, improvise, and sacrifice, all to be home with our children.

I am also a coupon-a-holic.  I have a super network of coupon Mama Friends, and we share.  By the way, if you come across a coupon for Luv's diapers,
will you save it for meeee?

Since Bubba Matt & Sissy were born, we have gratefully received lots of hand-me-down clothing from friends. Probably 99% of their clothes were given to us!  (We even re-use the bags they come in!  lol :)


This is how the babies "shop" for new clothes!
Bubba got his entire Fall, Winter,
& Early Spring Wardrobe,
all in one batch!

Not to leave out Sissy! 
Her cowgirl outfit was hand-made by a sweet home school Mommy-friend. 
She also got a very nice new bag to go with it. 
The horse is a great idea by another very gifted & crafty home school Mommy-friend!
