Snow Day Thoughts & Potty-ing!

Potty Training Mania!
~Potty Traning a little girl has been a challenge.  Keep in mind, I'm the mother of boys..I've raised two, have a four year old son, and a grandson due in March.  BOYS.  It's all I know.
The boys had something to "aim" at.  I would tear off a sheet of tp, draw an X on it with lipstick or whatever was handy, and allow for some target practice.  They loved Potty Time!  Son #3 got M&M's or Marshmallows with each success!
Boys are easy!

The Princess??  Notsa much.  And why can't that girl keep her clothes on?? 

And SCREAM???  The girl has got some LUNGS!!  I think she'll be an alto. 
Anyway, any advice on potty training a female child would be gratefully received!  :)

Lazy Jakey..
~It was a snow day in the Fort, and #2 got to sleep in.  Today was supposed to be D-Day, I mean... first day of 2nd Semester of College.  He wasn't excited.  Waiting until the very last minute to register for Spring, landed him with MWF 7:00am classes!!  LOL!!!!!  That's whatcha get Sonny! 

I do love him...

Game Plan
~Last night we tried the newest & latest eatin' place in town, it was YUCK.  Tonight, some kind of championship ball game is on TV.  Hubby texted to let me know there will be silence in the court room... er, um, living room at precisely 7:30pm.  I don't know if he's talking about basketball or football... but apparently it's a big game.  Ho hum.  Good thing Babies got early naps and should be sleepy-eyed around that time... I'm thinking full tummies & a nice warm bath will do the trick!

New Year Goals??
~I've really cut back on computer time!  Yay me! :) 
Not doing so good on the New Year's Healthy Living plan... :/  Still down four pounds, but nothing more.  I can do it! 
I WILL do it!

The Lost Shall Be Found!
Found my Bible!  Actually, a friend did.  I got it back yesterday at church... I guess I left it in the Nursery.  It's not my fav Bible, but it had lots of special pictures, pamphlets & bulletins with special dates 'n such.  Was so glad to see it!  :)

Pics 'n Memories of Christmas
Hubby and I never have pics taken
of just us... usually cuz I'm the one
with the camera!  So I love this one
taken in Tulsa at his company
Christmas party.


  1. one potty training thing that worked for several of my sibs was a potty treat (m&m's) - and everyone got one and the potty trainer got 2 or something when he or she went.
    Talk about a great plan for generating support and encouragement ;)

    "lily, don't you want to go potty so we can have a treat?!"

    i love that picture of you and your husband, you look so pretty together :)


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