Waiting Patiently

We had supper tonight at one of the kiddos
fav restaurants.  They cleaned their plates in
anticipation of what was to come...

A Chocolate Mess.

That's what it's called...

     Friday nights at restaurants are very busy...
it was taking sooooo long!

   Ahhhhh!  Finally...
The Reward!

Finishing up...
enjoying it to the last drop!!

     Waiting for the gas tank to fill...
   I saw an angel in my mirror!
                                                  Doctor's Office...
                                                   More waiting.

The nice lady at the bank... sympathized with
their looooong suffering...
gave them lollipops & balloons!

Mommy & Sissy at the Lobster place...
waiting for Dad & Bubba!

What are YOU waiting for??

Psalm 40...
I waited patiently for the LORD; He turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet upon a rock...
and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.

Micah 7...
But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD,
I wait for God my Savior...


  1. mmmm, chocolate mess! we don't go to restaurants often, and when we do we often go on not-busy nights. but we had a gift card ;) to olive garden so luke took me for my birthday. Aiden did not like waiting for his food - he kept calling 'bite?! bite?!' to the waiters taking food to other tables :D but he was pretty good. kieron slept.
    was my brother your waiter? or you might not know who he is :) but he's one of the best there. at marketplace i mean.

  2. Tony wasn't there last night, I suppose he's getting ready for Graduation?! :) I LOVE taking the kiddos out... Hubby? Not so much. Well, I love to eat out period. Haha!


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