My Naughty Children

Guilty as charged.
That's me.

I am guilty of posting only fun & happy things about my kiddos. 
If I have given anyone the impression that I have perfect children
 who are never NAUGHTY... 
all I can say is... 

Who wants to read or write about disobedient children?  ;p

Not me.. I am more inspired to write when they're
being sweet, or doing something really cute!

I think we home school Moms are the worst.  We like giving the impression that every day is like a Norman Rockwell painting... that our children are cute little angels, sweet and obedient ALL the time.


How discouraging can this be to Moms who may be struggling?

There are NO perfect children or Moms. 

Was Mary, the mother of our Lord a perfect Mom? 
Surely not. 
She was as human as you & me.
HE, however, was the perfect Son!! 
Can you imagine??

I decided this morning to get real. 
These are a very few hints at how our morning went. 
Did you notice, I said "morning". 
Yes.  All this in one morning:

Wait... I just put the kids to bed for their nap.
I am hearing rumbling noises & whole lotta giggling coming from their room. 
Oh boy.... look what I found:

I don't think they were sleeping... ;p

This can't be good...

Mercy me... something smells fishy!!
Wait, we don't have fish.
Found 3 empty Fish Oil Capsules in tub...

                                             Pink nail polish on the wall...
She is showing me "her" spot..
The rest, she claims, is the art work of her brother.

 Even on my Cracker Barrell rocking chair...
NOW... I'm mad.

Why sit on the potty?
The floor is so much easier....
Mom will clean it up.

Oh my, where are my cooking tongs...
and garden gloves...
and bathroom trash can??
Oh, here they are... left out in the rain.

Wonder what the rest of the afternoon holds??

Aren't we glad that God does not keep pictures like these?

Back in the 80's & 90's when my older children were young,
we didn't have the electronic gadgets we have today.
We had 35mm camera's that you had to buy film for,
use the whole roll... & hope you got some good shots.
Usually, those shots were taken during happy times...
so everyone is smiling & posing. 

I don't have any shots of my older kiddos being naughty.
In fact, a lot of thier childhood is reduced to still-pics in my own mind,
good (& bad) times they don't even remember. :(

It is a blessing being able to keep my digital camera handy at all times & catching sweet events,and making memories with the younger children.

So, see... like their Mama... they're just little sinners who need a Savior.
We have good days, and we have not-so-good days.

I love them all. :)

Psalm 103:11-12

11 For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; 12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.


  1. Love it! That girl is a climber. She needs a tree! I still would like to climb trees.


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