Paid In Full

Have I shared this with you?

A lady I never got to meet paid for our lunch last year around Christmas time.  What a blessing!  It was so sweet.  I've always wanted to do that... pick up the tab for a stranger... just because. 
Actually, I've always wanted to buy a meal for one of our military service guys as a very small token of thanks for what they do.

Yesterday, I got the opportunity to do it!!

The kids & I had lunch out.  Two National Guard young men sat at a table near us.  Now my boy Matt, 4 years old, is always very interested in uniformed men... police, fire, security... whatever.  These guys were no exception.

The two young men removed their hats indoors.  Very respectful!
They sat down, bowed their heads, and prayed.

My boy was watching.

I'm a girl who "goose-bumps" very easily, and this was that kind of moment.
They finished their prayer and went on with lunch.  They were so friendly and respectful to their server. These guys represented the Unites States, and the Lord Jesus well.

And to a little boy... VERY well.

I wish I had left them a note, like the one I received above.  I would've written:

PAID IN FULL... Luke 23:46-47

The concern?  It left me only $11 in my home budget account.
Payday isn't until Thursday.  I wasn't worried, not one bit.
Because I KNOW that the Lord was doing this, and He ALWAYS,
Takes care of us.

At supper time, we had boloney, chips, & kool-aid.  It was yummy!
I was sharing with Hubby what had happened at lunch... thinking he would admonish me to be more careful with the funds.
Instead, he had a curious look on his face.
Then... he told me that some sort of accounting error had happened at his work and that my account will have a $698 deposit it in today!!!  I looked at the balance on-line and there it was...
 with a wink & a smile from our Lord, I'm sure.

Ain't my God good??  :)

I'm not sharing this because I did a good thing...
Just want you to see that HE is good, and it's all about HIM.

 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."
Luke 6:38


  1. ! So wonderful! I've always wanted to pick up someones tab also but the opportunity hasn't quite arisen yet.
    God is SO GOOD! What a blessing you are and those men were to you -and the lady who 'started' all of this. Praise God for all his wonderful blessings!


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