A Mama Bird Protects Her Nest

I'm so silly.
I watched this nest being built diligently by it's "homeowner".
I don't know if the Mama was expecting at the time... or knew it wouldn't be long before she was.
I wish I had documented it better, I've learned so much from it.

She found a firm foundation & a safe place to build in a little nook on the guttering drain, underneath an overhang.  What wisdom in building her home!  
The little family is safe from the elements...

and from my cat, Exodus. :)

I wish I knew more about birds... the kids & I will have to do a little study. 
One thing I do know about is being a Mama.  
I got up close to these little guys...

And there she came!
Ohhhhh what a sweet picture of a protective Mama!

She hunts every morning, and always finds food.
They are thriving!
God's provision. 

with wings flapping, they look out over the walls of  safety.
It won't be long.
I wonder if she is sad?
I am sad for her. :(

Just like it is for we human Mama's...
It goes by all too quickly.

Today...they're gone. :)
