Fun Pics

Guess what??
We finally got a new computer!!  I am typing without having to hit "save" after every sentence and restarting the computer every 5 or 10 minutes!!

This new one... the computer stuff is actually inside the screen!
We are all still learning the new stuff on this one that our 2003(I think??)  model did not have.
And the keyboard??  Man is it quiet!!
Ahhhh technology.
Got a new printer too!!
We're so fancy. :)

Here are some fun pics!

This is our Jake. 
He will be 20 years old next month.
There is nothing he cannot make us laugh about...
The puff of smoke is actually a cloud!!  Hahaha!!

Our three favorite little ones...
These guys keep me happy & hoppin. :)

My first ever mural...
Don't laugh, Em loves it!
From her favorite book, "Good Morning, Good Night"

First Grade is going much more smoothly,
it is our 4th week,and already he is reading his

Coach Hubby @ VBS :)

It was a wonderful week. 
We had over 100 folks in our little church the last night of VBS.
Today is a great day for our church family as well.
We have paid off our property and are operating DEBT FREE!!
What a blessing that is, what a blessing our church family is. :)
